Springtime is an ideal time to clean your home and check for any damage the winter weather may have caused. Of course, during your home maintenance routine, you do not only have to pay attention to the primary areas in your home, but to every nook and cranny as well.
Safety Tips When Cleaning Your Gutters
It might not sound like such an important task, but keeping your gutters free of any dirt or debris should always be included in your roof cleaning routine. Clogged gutters can lead to problems in various areas of your home including stained siding, sagging ceilings, water penetration, and even basement flooding.
Do’s and Don’ts of Pressure Washing Your Home
Getting rid of the dust and dirt in your home is satisfying and should always be part of your routine home care. Just like gutter cleaning or window washing, however, there is a right and a wrong way to do it. The fastest and most efficient method is to use a power washer but this requires special care.
Do Self-Cleaning Windows Really Work?
For those who just have no time for household chores, self-cleaning windows sound like a godsend. But you shouldn’t get too excited yet; there are quite a few caveats.
How to Stop Ants From Nesting in Your Gutters
As far as hardiness goes, the Formicidae family are one of the toughest insects you can find. Ants can build their colonies almost anywhere: trees, underground, crawl spaces, drywall and even your roof and gutters. While they can be fascinating to watch from afar, they can do all sorts of damage when they get inside your home. Not to mention, their bites are painful, itchy and annoying. So what do you do when an ant colony decides to establish itself in your roof and gutters? Is a professional roof cleaning service enough to stop them from ruining your eaves and rafters?