As far as hardiness goes, the Formicidae family are one of the toughest insects you can find. Ants can build their colonies almost anywhere: trees, underground, crawl spaces, drywall and even your roof and gutters. While they can be fascinating to watch from afar, they can do all sorts of damage when they get inside your home. Not to mention, their bites are painful, itchy and annoying. So what do you do when an ant colony decides to establish itself in your roof and gutters? Is a professional roof cleaning service enough to stop them from ruining your eaves and rafters?
Archives for June 2019
Do You Have Hard Water Stains on Your Windows?
Rainwater is hardly ever just water. Calcium, magnesium and other compounds are typically dissolved in the droplets that shower your home during a rainy day. These minerals make up what is known as hard water. If you’ve ever had a professional do gutter cleaning on your home before, then you’ll know how damaging these minerals can be on copper or aluminum surfaces. For glass, however, it’s a slightly different story.