Towels continue to be a reliable tool for most professional window cleaners even after the invention of rubber squeegees. They are used to clean any water left on the edges of the glass, window frame, and sill. Today’s towels are mostly lint-free and absorbent, far from the ones that remain damp that tend to leave noticeable smears on the window glass.
4 Places Pests Could Be Hiding in Your Home
Pests, from bugs to rodents, can thrive in even the tidiest of homes. Regardless of the season, these creatures can be a pain to deal with, especially if they remain out of sight. If they can’t be eradicated at the source, expect to experience their unwanted effects, like bites, property damage and illnesses due to the diseases they carry.
A Basic Guide to Power Washing Your Home
The cold temperatures and weather during winter can take a heavy toll on your home. Typically, exposure to these elements result in greenish brown stains and mold-like grime on your home’s exterior. You can get rid of this eyesore by having your home power washed. But how often should you actually do this kind of thorough cleaning? Sunco Window Cleaning, an exterior and roof cleaning company, shares some tips below.
Areas in Your Home That Need Spring Cleaning
Springtime is an ideal time to clean your home and check for any damage the winter weather may have caused. Of course, during your home maintenance routine, you do not only have to pay attention to the primary areas in your home, but to every nook and cranny as well.
Why is Window Screen Maintenance Important?
Not many people realize the importance of keeping their window screens and well-maintained. After all, these components are overlooked most of the time because they’re not as large or complex as siding or roofing. But if you step back and think about it, you’ll find that keeping your window screens in good working order comes with many benefits. Sunco Window Cleaning, your window and roof cleaning expert, shares some of them.… Continue Reading